From Randall, who was baptized at Northeast in January of 2018 and is now at Trousdale Turner Correctional Center in Hartsville, TN:
“When I get a letter from you all it makes my day. I try to write everybody. I have two sons. I want to stay in contact with you all even when I get out. I think the world of you guys. You all show that you all care about us.”
From the women in the Bible class at Washington County Detention Center:
“Thank you for taking the time to bring us God’s word in the form of recovery. Taking special time to explain the lessons. We as a whole really enjoy your company.”
From Kelly at Washington County Detention Center:
“Thank you for giving us hope and wrapping us up with love and your time.”
The letter below was received on December 12, 2022
Hi Tim & Marshall,
It has been a while. Yes, it is one of your favorite students. LOL. This has been a long time coming but I finally got to it. This is a very small token of my thanks to you and your partitioners (I think he may have meant parishioners) who have given so much of their money and time to help the prison ministry. The members of your church, I am sorry to say, have not been able to see the good that the program has done for the ones behind the fence. Well, I’ll be glad to tell them firsthand.
I was a student in the Managing My Anger class. I believe we had 30 students and 6 table leaders. Each of the students was assigned a lesson to talk about to the whole group and how it applies to them. I’m not much for standing in front of a group and speaking and neither were many of the others. But as the weeks went by, we all came out of our shells and opened up. Yes, many times there was anger and even tears shed and as more time went by the closer we got in friendship and understanding. Many’s(?) a time, someone would start talking about a problem they were having only to find out that others had the same problem but they were afraid to talk about it.
A lot of guys would join the class because they heard that it would help their chances of getting parole, which I’m sure it did. But you could see the change in them when they started to open up. I went on to attend the CASA class (Christians Against Substance Abuse) and was a table leader. I saw the good firsthand in all of the students that attended.
Well, I could go on and on and even write a book but I am here to ask your church to please continue to support the program (NewLife Prison Ministry).
The bears were handmade by me to share the love one stitch at a time.
Yours Truly,
Joe Morgan
Yes, Tim & Marshall, you may use my letter any way you see fit and my name.
Thanks again.
Love Ya’.
Joe Morgan
P.S. there will be more to come!