'Worldliness' tagged posts

Losing My “Land Legs”

LightGramsFebruary 13, 2025Volume 29, Number 7 Mario Salcedo is living what many consider to be a dream life. For the past 25 years he has lived on cruise ships; he’s not one of the crew, but a passenger. Recently he was recognized by Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines for his 1,000th voyage with them. He spends…

Trying To Blend In

LightGramsMay 13, 2021Volume 25, Number 18 A woman was arrested on Monday after sneaking onto a high school campus in Miami, Florida. Though she is 28 years old, Audrey Francisquini was doing her best to look like other students there; she wore a backpack and was carrying a skateboard. Authorities with the school system are…