'Sin' tagged posts (Page 2)

A Catch Too Big

LightGrams January 21, 2021 Volume 25, Number 3 You may be familiar with the idiom, “I’ve got a tiger by the tail.” It’s not hard to figure out what it means: if you happen to latch onto a tiger’s tail, what do you do next? If you let go, it will turn on you and…

Hitting The Mark

LightGrams January 14, 2021 Volume 25, Number 2 A bow hunter in Jackson County, Kansas came upon a dilemma last week: two male deer had their antlers locked together, and could not free themselves. It was a sad sight, and the hunter knew a painful drawn-out death was the ultimate outcome without outside assistance. He…

Vials Of Life

LightGrams December 17, 2020 Volume 24, Number 46 Sunday, December 13, 2020 was a long-anticipated day. Truckloads of COVID-19 vaccines rolled out of the Pfizer plant in Kalamazoo, Michigan, headed for various destinations throughout the country. Overseeing the transport of these cases of vials were agents of the U.S. Marshals Service. It’s not hard to…

Avoiding The Curse

LightGrams October 15, 2020 Volume 24, Number 37 Pompeii was the scene of a horrific tragedy in 79 AD Nearby Mount Vesuvius erupted, showering the nearby city with hot ashes, lava, and destruction. It happened so suddenly it essentially “froze” people and animals living there. Archaeologists have unearthed some chilling scenes of everyday life unexpectedly…

Don’t Touch!

LightGrams July 9, 2020 Volume 24, Number 23 The extraordinary times in which we’re living have called for extraordinary measures. Due to the highly contagious nature of the COVID-19 virus we’ve been told to wash our hands often, keep our distance from one another, wear a face covering when out among people, and stay at…

Dash To Safety

LightGrams April 2, 2020 Volume 24, Number 12 The name “Aaron Rodgers” is familiar to all sports fans. For years he has been the quarterback for the Green Bay Packers of the National Football League. He knows about making mad dashes for the end zone and rushing against the clock. He is regarded as one…

Dead, Or Alive?

LightGrams November 14, 2019 Volume 23, Number 36 A man who died is technically released from his obligations, right? His heirs may have to assume his debt, but that man will pay not another penny on bills he assumed in his previous life. We would all agree to this proposition; how could we not? But…

Never To Fly Again

LightGrams November 7, 2019 Volume 23, Number 35 Others may see it as a novel venue for hosting a party, but it strikes me as sad. The Fokker-100 airplane parked in Robert Sedlar’s’ yard in Croatia was built to carry 100 passengers to various destinations around the world. After being in service from 1991 to…

Died In Red

LightGrams October 24, 2019 Volume 23, Number 34 Zorica Rebernik is someone you’ve likely never met. If you do, she will make you see red. No, really, she will make you see red because that is the color of every outfit she has owned for the last 50 years or so. It’s the color of…

Declaring Our Independence

LightGrams July 4, 2019 Volume 23, Number 2 It was on this day 243 years ago that representatives of the 13 colonies of the New World gathered at the State House of Pennsylvania. Two days earlier a resolution was unanimously passed to declare that these colonies were breaking away from the British Empire. On July…