'Resurrection' tagged posts

A Potato Head Record

LightGramsJune 27, 2024Volume 28, Number 17 In my childhood I was introduced to Mr. Potato Head. Introduced in 1952, the toy was originally designed to use an actual potato. It was the first toy to be advertised on television, I learned from a Wikipedia article. After all these years it remains a popular toy for…

An Unexpected Appearance

LightGrams September 10, 2020 Volume 24, Number 32 It was the fourth day since the hiker had been seen. There was great concern for the safety of Harry Harvey. He was, after all, 80 years old, and there had been a hailstorm when he went missing in England’s Yorkshire Dales. Royal Air Force members and…

Temporarily Rest In Peace

LightGrams September 27, 2018 Volume 22, Number 35 Crazy things happen when Halloween season rolls around. I’ve never been much interested in the holiday, and I do think many people go way too far. One event being promoted by Six Flags St. Louis is an example. Six contestants will be chosen from entries received; the…