'Purity' tagged posts

Bear Bait

LightGramsJune 6, 2024Volume 28, Number 15 Residents of a Monrovia, California neighborhood have discovered something that will attract bears. A recent UPI story told of a bear that had been caught on camera entering a home through a window and leaving with a bag of Oreos cookies in its mouth. Though people were outside watching…

Don’t Corrupt Our Gorilla

LightGramsJuly 13, 2023Volume 27, Number 19 The Toronto Zoo has posted a new sign on the exhibit where visitors can see gorillas. It asks visitors to please refrain from showing videos on their smartphones to the gorillas “as some content can be upsetting and affect their relationships and behavior within their family.” Nassir is a…

Playing With Fire

LightGrams April 5, 2018 Volume 22, Number 13 A campfire can be hypnotic. Young children must be carefully watched as they stand before such a fire. Those too young to realize the dangers of fire may play with something that will lead to great harm. A man near Fresno, California was recently caught on video…