'Discipleship' tagged posts

Losing My “Land Legs”

LightGramsFebruary 13, 2025Volume 29, Number 7 Mario Salcedo is living what many consider to be a dream life. For the past 25 years he has lived on cruise ships; he’s not one of the crew, but a passenger. Recently he was recognized by Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines for his 1,000th voyage with them. He spends…

Stewards Of The Lighthouse

LightGramsOctober 6, 2022Volume 26, Number 31 An interesting auction took place a few days ago: an aging and rusting lighthouse was sold by the U.S. government to a yet-unnamed bidder. Situated in the Chesapeake Bay, the structure sits in the water with no easy way to approach it. It’s in great need of repair, and…

Something Old, Something New

LightGramsMarch 25, 2021Volume 25, Number 12 Humanity’s first powered flight occurred on December 17, 1903 when Orville Wright launched their crude aircraft, the Wright Flyer I, at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. The first powered flight on another planet will happen within a month, and it will fittingly carry a swatch of fabric used on the…

Patterns Of Footprints

LightGrams February 18, 2021 Volume 25, Number 7 An interesting story came from Helsinki, Finland a few days ago. 11 volunteers under the guidance of amateur artist Janne Pyykko strapped on their snowshoes at a snow-covered golf course. Over the next two days they walked according to a planned route – but never left the…

There’s An App For That

LightGrams July 2, 2020 Volume 24, Number 22 I rarely step outside of my house without my smart phone in my pocket. I believe there are many others who do the same. Why do we do it? Simply because this tool is so versatile. As we’ve often heard it described, “There’s an app for that.”…

Abysmal Students

LightGrams January 2, 2020 Volume 24, Number 1 Every day my web browser presents a variety of articles it thinks I might be interested in. When I have a few extra minutes I’ll look through these, and occasionally find pieces that are worthwhile reads. That’s how I found the article entitled “’They’re abysmal students’: Are…

Dead, Or Alive?

LightGrams November 14, 2019 Volume 23, Number 36 A man who died is technically released from his obligations, right? His heirs may have to assume his debt, but that man will pay not another penny on bills he assumed in his previous life. We would all agree to this proposition; how could we not? But…

Icing On The Cake

LightGrams June 6, 2019 Volume 23, Number 21 What is a cake without icing? True, there are some exceptions, but I’m partial to cakes that have a layer of icing on top. There are many types of icing: buttercream, fondant, cream cheese, whipped cream, etc., and they all have their respective fan clubs. But what…

Unwilling To Learn

LightGrams December 13, 2018 Volume 22, Number 44 You’ve heard about recidivism – the sad fact that many who spend time in jails or prisons will be returned to incarceration after spending time in the free world? Thomas Lee Williams of Philadelphia takes that concept to a whole new level. Williams was released from jail…

What Are Our Limits?

LightGrams January 18, 2017 Volume 22, Number 3 The region in which I live, like many others around the U.S., has been experiencing unusual cold in recent days. This morning the temperature was 5 degrees above zero. Most of the schools are closed because of icy roads in some of the mountainous areas. You can…