LightGrams (Page 16)

A Sleep-Anywhere Kind Of Guy

LightGrams February 21 2019 Volume 23, Number 8 Justin Koerner’s story was unbelievable – except it was true. His car ended up in a yard one recent Sunday morning, and Justin was found sleeping inside. The Newark, New Jersey police assumed he was drunk, but he passed their field sobriety tests. Security cameras in the…

A Valuable Story

LightGrams February 14 2019 Volume 23, Number 7 Cathy McAllister was just doing her job, the same as she had been doing for the past six years. She volunteers her time in Phoenix, Arizona going through donated books that ultimately are sold at the state fair for charities. When she came to a copy of…

Failed Tests

LightGrams February 7 2019 Volume 23, Number 6 In recent months I’ve been working at a facility that helps women and men who have been incarcerated with their transition back into life. They attend classes of various kinds, and some from our church have been invited to offer voluntary Bible classes. Our goal is to…

Trustworthy Support?

LightGrams January 31, 2019 Volume 23, Number 5 A story like this gets around. Joie Henney is a man familiar to some; for eleven years he hosted a show on ESPN Outdoors in which he took viewers into the wild, exploring the flora and fauna that so many never experience. But somewhere along the way…

Too Young To Drive

LightGrams January 24, 2019 Volume 23, Number 4 It’s safe to say that the 11-year-old child getting out of the car last week at W.J. Murphy Elementary School was pretty pumped. After all, he had driven himself to school that day! Also in the car were a 9-year-old and the father of the driver, Khafilu…

Finding The Good Samaritan

LightGrams January 17, 2019 Volume 23, Number 3 “Where’s Waldo” was a popular series of books that debuted in America in 1987. Each book had several pages of drawings in which the reader was challenged to find Waldo. “What an easy challenge!” one might have first thought. Waldo was dressed in a red and white…

From Thrifty To Lavish

LightGrams January 10, 2019 Volume 23, Number 2 An $11 million bequest from WHO? Alan Naiman? Wasn’t he the fellow who used duct tape to repair his shoes? Who always drove old cars? Whose idea of taking good friends to lunch meant going to a fast food restaurant? Yes, that Alan Naiman. After his death…

Problems With Apples

LightGrams January 3, 2019 Volume 23, Number 1 The world is abuzz this morning with stories about Apple, manufacturer of computers and smartphones. The news centers around Tim Cook’s warning to investors on January 2 to expect lower sales numbers. The Apple CEO noted a slowdown in sales in China, a market responsible for about…

Riding A Monster Wave

LightGrams December 20, 2018 Volume 22, Number 45 Nazare, Portugal is where extreme surfers go. The form of the ocean inlet leads to unusually tall waves, sometimes reaching 80 feet or more. To put that in perspective think of a building that is 8 stories high. Now think about being perched on the edge of…

Unwilling To Learn

LightGrams December 13, 2018 Volume 22, Number 44 You’ve heard about recidivism – the sad fact that many who spend time in jails or prisons will be returned to incarceration after spending time in the free world? Thomas Lee Williams of Philadelphia takes that concept to a whole new level. Williams was released from jail…