LightGrams (Page 15)

Blocks In The Path

LightGrams May 9, 2019 Volume 23, Number 18 Parents, beware of everything put in your child’s path. That warning comes from a story by United Press International of a box of Legos recently given to a child in Georgia. The box was purchased from a consignment store in Charleston, South Carolina, and seemed to be…

Long Overdue

LightGrams May 2, 2019 Volume 23, Number 17 A story appeared in the news yesterday that told of a man who returned an overdue book to a library in Sunnyvale, California. “What’s the big deal with that?” you might ask. The book was 45 years overdue. The man, who now lives in Indianapolis, was visiting…

Looking For Good Luck

LightGrams April 25, 2019 Volume 23, Number 16 Earlier this week I introduced my two youngest grandsons to a new (for them) tradition: looking for four-leaf clovers. Their yard has a healthy stand of clover mixed in with grass, and we were able to find a couple within just a few minutes of looking. According…

Is This Your Ring?

LightGrams April 18, 2019 Volume 23, Number 15 An unnamed lady who works at a Sam’s Club store in Houston found a ring three years ago. It was a class ring from The University of Houston, and had apparently been dropped into a case of water. The lady took it home, thinking she would try…

My Place In The Book

LightGrams April 11, 2019 Volume 23, Number 14 Most have heard of the Guinness Book Of World Records. This annual publication has been around since 1951, and is now published in over 100 countries in 23 different languages. An article in Newsweek magazine (9/28/18) reports that Guinness has more than 40,000 records in their database,…

The Passengers Were Few

LightGrams April 4, 2019 Volume 23, Number 13 If you have flown commercially in the last 10 years or so, you’ll be just a little envious of Skirmantas Strimaitis. This man from Lithuania was headed to northern Italy and bought a ticket on an airline. The fare was a bit more expensive than usual, as…

Heart Shields

LightGrams March 21, 2019 Volume 23, Number 12 If someone points a bow and arrow at you, do you know what to do? An unnamed man in Melbourne, Australia provides us with a tactic: Hold up your smartphone. In doing that, the arrow pierced through this man’s phone and saved his life. (The phone, however,…

Zombie Lights

LightGrams March 14, 2019 Volume 23, Number 11 Zombies, of course, are not real; let’s get that off the table right now. The fiction that has developed around them, however, is very real. Since the premier of the movie “The Night Of The Living Dead” in 1968, there have been waves of fascination around the…

World’s Largest Maze

LightGrams March 7, 2019 Volume 23, Number 10 When autumn arrives and the frost is on the pumpkin, you can expect to start hearing about corn mazes opening to the public. It’s ironic, don’t you think, that the plant also known as “maize” has led to this cool-weather activity? (A maize maze?) What happens, though,…

If There’s Only One …

LightGrams February 28, 2019 Volume 23, Number 9 The name “Cozy Hollow School” brings nice images to mind (and yes, it’s a real name of a real school). But even nicer images come when you hear what the Albany County School District in Wyoming is going to do. Cozy Hollow School consists of a singular…