Posts from February 2025

Living Out Of Sight

LightGramsFebruary 20, 2025Volume 29, Number 8 Trail cameras have become popular for revealing wildlife that may live closer than we realize. Our son in Colorado has spotted a variety of animals in his yard, especially after dark: mule deer, turkeys, bobcats, racoons, skunks, a mountain lion, and even a bear or two. These were nearby…

Losing My “Land Legs”

LightGramsFebruary 13, 2025Volume 29, Number 7 Mario Salcedo is living what many consider to be a dream life. For the past 25 years he has lived on cruise ships; he’s not one of the crew, but a passenger. Recently he was recognized by Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines for his 1,000th voyage with them. He spends…

The Heart Of Lincoln

LightGramsFebruary 6, 2025Volume 29, Number 6 Dan Martin’s job as a summer intern was simple: Go through the boxes of old movie reels that had been donated to Lauro’s Historic Films Archive, and catalog the various titles. We can imagine that is a tedious and somewhat boring job, but one day he struck gold! He…