500 Days Alone

May 11, 2023
Volume 27, Number 13

Beatriz Flamini was 48 when she descended into the cave in Granada, Spain on November 21, 2021. She was 50 years old when she emerged, having spent 500 days in near-total isolation. Did it take that long for rescuers to find her? No, it was a voluntary seclusion in the name of science.

Flamini said she lost track of time after about two months alone. She spent her time reading (nearly 60 books), drawing, exercising, and knitting wool caps. Food was brought into the cave but left in an area where she never actually saw or spoke with anyone. When the 500 days were completed, she said she was sad to see it come to an end.

Scientists are studying the videos Flamini made while underground, trying to learn more about the effects of social isolation; the project is entitled “Timecave”. A documentary of her experience is under production.

Many of us would argue that we don’t need 500 days underground without any form of human contact. We already know that the effects would be harmful for most of us, though hermits and recluses may be wondering how they can get a job like Flamini’s.

My guess is that you have already thought of God’s statement in Genesis 2:18, “It is not good that man should be alone”. At the time, Adam was living above ground in the beautiful Garden of Eden. All of his needs were provided except for companionship. There were no other humans at the time. Thus, God created Eve to be “a helper comparable to him” (Genesis 2:18).

Few doubt the claim that people are social creatures. We are made to interact with other people. Having pets can be rewarding, but we need people to fulfill our deepest needs of love, compassion, and a sense of belonging. When those are not present, we’re usually miserable. When David wrote in Psalm 142:4 that “no one cares for my soul”, he didn’t follow that with “Hallelujah!”

We share this planet with almost 8 billion other people, but there are many who feel utterly alone. How does Christ address that critical need? Here’s what Paul wrote in Ephesians 2:19: “Now therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God.” Members of God’s family! Those who follow Christ are blessed with many gifts, and one of the greatest is fellowship, a connection with others who love the Lord.

In telling the Parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-24), Jesus made an important note: Everyone is welcome to come home. We are all children of the heavenly Father, and even those who have wandered far from home can be assured of a warm welcome if they decide to return home. The Father will run to receive them, just as the father of the prodigal son ran to embrace his son.

If you have been submerged in a dark “cave”, we urge you to come out and enjoy the blessings of loving and compassionate interactions. You will enjoy the fellowship of a Christian family.


Copyright, 2023, Timothy D. Hall. All scripture quotations, unless otherwise noted, are from the New King James Version (Copyright, 1990, Thomas Nelson, Inc.).

“LightGrams” is produced by the Central Church of Christ, 2722 Oakland Avenue, Johnson City, Tennessee, 37601, and is written by Tim Hall, minister. It is sent free of charge every Thursday to all who request it. To subscribe or to receive more information, write to “[email protected]” (our E-mail address), to the U.S. mail address above, or call (423) 282-1571.

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